Ortopedia Pediatrica Isunza

Ortopedia Pediatrica Isunza
Ortopedistas pediatras

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Dolor neuropatico en niños

Las conexiones cerebrales intrínsecas se normalizan con el tratamiento en el síndrome de dolor regional complejo pediátrica.
Intrinsic brain networks normalize with treatment in pediatric complex regional pain syndrome.
Becerra L, Sava S, Simons LE, Drosos AM, Sethna N, Berde C, Lebel AA, Borsook D.
Neuroimage Clin. 2014 Aug 10;6:347-69. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.07.012. eCollection 2014.
Pediatric complex regional pain syndrome (P-CRPS) offers a unique model of chronic neuropathic pain as it either resolves spontaneously or through therapeutic interventions in most patients. Here we evaluated brain changes in well-characterized children and adolescents with P-CRPS by measuring resting state networks before and following a brief (median = 3 weeks) but intensive physical and psychological treatment program, and compared them to matched healthy controls. Differences in intrinsic brain networks were observed in P-CRPS compared to controls before treatment (disease state) with the most prominent differences in the fronto-parietal, salience, default mode, central executive, and sensorimotor networks. Following treatment, behavioral measures demonstrated a reduction of symptoms and improvement of physical state (pain levels and motor functioning). Correlation of network connectivities with spontaneous pain measures pre- and post-treatment indicated concomitant reductions in connectivity in salience, central executive, default mode and sensorimotor networks (treatment effects). These results suggest a rapid alteration in global brain networks with treatment and provide a venue to assess brain changes in CRPS pre- and post-treatment, and to evaluate therapeutic effects.
KEYWORDS: Children; Pain; Resting state; Salience; fMR
Referencias de dolor neuropático a un servicio de dolor por cáncer pediátrico multidisciplinario.
Neuropathic pain referrals to a multidisciplinary pediatric cancer pain service.
Anghelescu DL, Faughnan LG, Popenhagen MP, Oakes LL, Pei D, Burgoyne LL.
Pain Manag Nurs. 2014 Mar;15(1):126-31. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2012.07.006. Epub 2012 Aug 25.
Neuropathic pain (NP) in children with cancer is not well characterized. In a retrospective review of patient data from a 3.5-year period, we describe the prevalence of NP and the characteristics, duration of follow-up, and interventions provided for NP among patients referred to a pediatric oncology center's pain management service. Fifteen percent (66/439) of all referrals to our pain service were for NP (56/323 patients [17%]; 34 male, 22 female). The NP patient group had 1,401 clinical visits (778 inpatient visits [55.5%] and 623 outpatient visits [44.5%]). Patients with NP had a significantly greater mean number of pain visits per consultation (p = .008) and significantly more days of pain service follow-up (p < .001) than did other patients. The most common cause of NP was cancer treatment rather than the underlying malignancy. Pharmacologic management of NP was complex, often comprising three medications. Nonpharmacologic approaches were used for 57.6% of NP referrals. Neuropathic pain is less frequently encountered than non-NP in children with cancer; nevertheless, it is more difficult to treat, requiring longer follow-up, more clinical visits, complex pharmacologic management, and the frequent addition of nonpharmacologic interventions.
Las consecuencias del dolor en la edad temprana. Plasticidad inducida por daño en las vías del dolor
The consequences of pain in early life: injury-induced plasticity in developing pain pathways.
Schwaller F, Fitzgerald M.
Eur J Neurosci. 2014 Feb;39(3):344-52. doi: 10.1111/ejn.12414.
Pain in infancy influences pain reactivity in later life, but how and why this occurs is poorly understood. Here we review the evidence for developmental plasticity of nociceptive pathways in animal models and discuss the peripheral and central mechanisms that underlie this plasticity. Adults who have experienced neonatal injury display increased pain and injury-induced hyperalgesia in the affected region but mild injury can also induce widespread baseline hyposensitivity across the rest of the body surface, suggesting the involvement of several underlying mechanisms, depending upon the type of early life experience. Peripheral nerve sprouting and dorsal horn central sensitization, disinhibition and neuroimmune priming are discussed in relation to the increased pain and hyperalgesia, while altered descending pain control systems driven, in part, by changes in the stress/HPA axis are discussed in relation to the widespread hypoalgesia. Finally, it is proposed that the endocannabinoid system deserves further attention in the search for mechanisms underlying injury-induced changes in pain processing in infants and children.
Dolor neuropático en niños. Consideraciones especiales
Neuropathic pain in children: Special considerations.
Walco GA, Dworkin RH, Krane EJ, LeBel AA, Treede RD.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Mar;85(3 Suppl):S33-41. doi: 10.4065/mcp.2009.0647.
Neuropathic pain is relatively uncommon in children. Although some syndromes closely resemble those found in adults, the incidence and course of the condition can vary substantially in children, depending on developmental status and contextual factors. There are some neuropathic painsyndromes that are rare and relatively unique to the pediatric population. This article discusses the array of neuropathic pain conditions in childrenand available treatment strategies. Data are limited by small numbers and few randomized controlled trials. Research and clinical implications are discussed.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Más de 20 países confirman asistir a Congreso de Ortopedia

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Escrito por Olga Lilia Vilató de Varona / Foto: Otilio Rivero Delgado
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Copyright © 2014 Adelante.Todos los derechos reservados.

Más de 20 países confirman asistir a Congreso de Ortopedia
Camagüey.- Con vista al XXVI Congreso Cubano de Ortopedia y Traumatología, a efectuarse en Camagüey del 21 al 26 de septiembre del año en curso, ya han confirmado la asistencia especialistas de más de 20 países, y similar número de empresas comercializadoras, entre ellas lo intentan poco más de diez norteamericanas, según dio a conocer el Profesor Rodrigo José Álvarez Cambras, director general Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional Frank País, de La Habana, a su paso por territorio camagüeyano....

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Interesting view of the current state of youth sports: "The Adultification of Youth Sports"

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#epifisiolisis grado IV Salter y Harris maleolo tibial. Reducción abierta y fijación con agujas

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©2014 Clinica CEMTRO, S.A. Nº. de registro de centro autorizado por la Cons.Sanidad de la CAM CH0079   

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

El desarrollo de modelos computacionales basados CT de fémures pediátricos / Developing CT based computational models of pediatric femurs

#pediatric femurs #fémures pediátricos

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Li X1Viceconti M2Cohen MC3Reilly GC4Carré MJ5Offiah AC6.
 2015 Apr 10. pii: S0021-9290(15)00199-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.03.027. [Epub ahead of print]
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Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.


The mechanisms of fracture in infants and toddlers are not well understood. There have been very few studies on the mechanical properties of pediatric bones and their responses under fracture loading. A better understanding of fracture mechanisms in children will help elucidate both accidental and non-accidental injuries, as well as bone fragility diseases. The aim of this study is to develop in silico femoral models from CT scans to provide detailed quantitative information regarding the geometry and mechanical response of the femur, with the long term potential of investigating injury mechanisms. Fifteen anonymized QCT scans (aged 0-3 years) were collected and used to create personalized computational models of femurs. The elastic modulus of femur was illustrated at various ages. The models were also subjected to a series of four point bending simulations taking into account a range of loads perpendicular to the femoral shaft. The results showed that mid-shaft cross-section at birth appeared circular, but the diameter in the anteroposterior axis gradually increased with age. The density, and by implication modulus of elasticity at the mid-shaft became more differentiated with growth. Pediatric cortical bone with density close to the peak values found in adults was attained a few weeks after birth. The method is able to capture quantitative variations in geometries, material properties and mechanical responses, and has confirmed the rapid development of bone during the first few years of life using in silico models.
Los mecanismos de la fractura de en los lactantes y niños pequeños no se comprenden bien. Hay han sido muy pocos estudios sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los huesos pediátricos y sus respuestas formuladas en virtud de carga fractura. Una mejor comprensión de mecanismos de fractura en los niños será ayudar a dilucidar lesiones ambos accidentales y no-accidentales, como así también enfermedades por fragilidad hueso. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar en los modelos de femorales silico a partir de las tomografías computarizadas para proporcionar información cuantitativa detallada con respecto a la geometría y respuesta mecánica de el fémur, con el potencial a largo plazo de investigar mecanismos de lesión. Quince escaneos QCT anonimizados (de edades comprendidas desde 0 hasta 3 años) se recogieron y se utilizan para crear modelos computacionales personalizadas de fémures. El módulo elástico de fémur fue ilustrado en las varias las edades. Los modelos también fueron sometidos a una serie de cuatro de punto de de flexión simulaciones que toman en cuenta una gama de cargas perpendicular a la eje de femoral. Los resultados mostraron que-sección transversal mediados-eje de en el nacimiento apareció circular, pero el diámetro en los eje anteroposterior aumentaron gradualmente con la edad. La densidad de, y por implicación módulo de elasticidad a la mediados-eje de se convirtieron en más diferenciado con el crecimiento. Hueso cortical Pediátrica con la densidad de cerca de los valores de pico que se encuentran en los adultos se alcanzó unas pocas semana después del nacimiento. El método es capaz de capturar variaciones cuantitativas en geometrías, propiedades del material y respuestas mecánicas, y ha confirmado el rápido desarrollo de hueso durante los primera pocos año de la vida utilizando en los modelos de silico.
Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.


Bone development; Bone mechanical properties; Finite element models; Pediatric long bone
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher] 
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miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

La ventaja de los niños es que las fracturas de sus huesos sueldan más rápidamente, por lo que en caso de sospecha...

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La ventaja de los niños es que las fracturas de sus huesos sueldan más rápidamente, por lo que en caso de sospecha...
Posted by Logarsalud Tienda de Fisioterapia, Podolgía y Geriatría on Jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Fracturas de radio o Colles

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miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

La Osteogénesis Imperfecta (Huesos de Cristal) es la formación imperfecta de los huesos producida por la mutación de un...

La Osteogénesis Imperfecta (Huesos de Cristal) es la formación imperfecta de los huesos producida por la mutación de un...
Posted by Zonia Guerrero N on Miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Es la prematurez un factor de riesgo para la displasia congénita de cadera? : Un estudio prospectivo / Is prematurity a risk factor for developmental dysplasia of the hip? : a prospective study

#displasia congenita de cadera #prematurez #prematurity #developmental dysplasia of the hip

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Orak MM1, Onay T2, Gümüştaş SA3, Gürsoy T4, Muratlí HH5.
Bone Joint J. 2015 May;97-B(5):716-20. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.97B5.34010.
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The aim of this prospective study was to investigate prematurity as a risk factor for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). The hips of 221 infants (88 female, 133 male, mean age 31.11 weeks; standard deviation (sd) 2.51) who were born in the 34th week of gestation or earlier, and those of 246 infants (118 female, 128 male, mean age 40.22 weeks; sd 0.36) who were born in the 40th week of gestation, none of whom had risk factors for DDH, were compared using physical examination and ultrasound according to the technique of Graf, within one week, after the correction of gestational age to the 40th week after birth or one week since birth, respectively. Both hips of all infants were included in the study. Ortolani's and Barlow's tests and restricted abduction were accepted as positive findings on examination. There was a statistically significant difference between pre- and full-term infants, according to the incidence of mature and immature hips (p < 0.001). The difference in the proportion of infants with an α angle < 60° between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The incidence of pathological dysplasia (α angle < 50 º) was not significantly different in the two groups (p = 1.000). The Barlow sign was present in two (0.5%) pre-term infants and in 14 (2.8%) full-term infants. These results suggests that prematurity is not a predisposing factor for DDH. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2015; 97-B:716-20.
©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.
El objetivo de este estudio prospectivo fue investigar la prematuridad como factor de riesgo para la displasia del desarrollo de la cadera (DDC). Las caderas de 221 lactantes (88 mujeres y 133 varones, edad media 31,11 semana; desviación estándar (SD) 2.51) que nacieron en la semana 34 de gestación o antes, y las de 246 lactantes (118 mujeres, 128 de sexo masculino, edad media 40,22 semana; sd 0,36) que nacieron en la semana 40 de la gestación, ninguno de los cuales tenían factores de riesgo de DDH, se compararon mediante la exploración física y la ecografía de acuerdo a la técnica de Graf, dentro de una semana, después de la corrección de la edad gestacional al la semana 40 después del nacimiento o una semana desde el nacimiento, respectivamente. Ambas caderas de todos los niños se incluyeron en el estudio. Las pruebas de Ortolani y de Barlow y el secuestro restringida fueron aceptados como resultados positivos en el examen. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los niños pre y plena plazo, de acuerdo con la incidencia de las caderas maduras e inmaduras (p <0,001). La diferencia en la proporción de lactantes con un ángulo α <60 ° entre los dos grupos fue estadísticamente significativa (p <0,001). La incidencia de displasia patológica (α ángulo de <50 º) no fue significativamente diferente en los dos grupos (p = 1,000). El signo Barlow estuvo presente en dos (0,5%) neonatos prematuros y en 14 (2,8%) recién nacidos a término. Estos resultados sugieren que la prematuridad no es un factor predisponente para DDH


developmental dysplasia of hip; prematurity
[PubMed - in process]